Saturday, March 2, 2013

Meet Me: A really mean person.

MEAN: Unkind, selfish, malicious

         At times, I feel I double as both a humble and kind person, as well as rude, uncaring jerk. I'm great at playing the role of a sensitive and caring person when the moment calls for it. But I've also come to realize that most of my time is spent grumbling and complaining about people and things I dislike. I've also come to realize that I'm PERFECTLY OKAY WITH THIS. 
         As an American, I've been taught that I should treat everyone the way I would like to be treated. Or that if I have nothing nice to say, that I should say nothing at all. But due this teaching, I and possibly thousands of others, have forgotten that we're allowed to have an opinion. America is a country where everyone receives a trophy or a medal just for participating. At schools, teachers feed us this "constructive criticism" BS. I find this to be extremely frustrating. Sometimes, there just isn't anything good to say! Better yet, a person to SHOULD be able to express their true opinion!
        Because of this " Let's please everyone!" approach, I live in a country full of overly confident people. But it's not entirely their fault. The people I'm surrounded by have never been told, " This sucks. Try it again, but don't make it so crappy this time." They were instead informed, " This is really wonderful. If you just twerk a few things here and here, it'll be perfect." That line is the biggest mistake a teacher can make. Not only are the being unrealistic, but  have just instilled confidence where it shouldn't exist. 
       I, along with thousands/millions of other people, need to LEARN TO LOSE. No longer do I want to give false positive feedback to people. No longer do I want to receive another stupid participation certificate or trophy. I want to tell it like it is and I want others to do the same in return. Everyone can't be a winner. I don't always want to be a winner, either. I want to be rude, in your face, and the most brutally honest person you've ever met. 


  1. I enjoyed reading this because it was a fesh perspective on an issue I wasn't sure I was allowed to approach before. It brought some valid and interesting views into the big picture.


  2. Thanks, Sarah. I'm sensing that you're embracing the need to call me Farntubi.

  3. Keeping to the theme of this post, I'll just come right out and say it: your proofreading still left a few mistakes. But I genuinely think that you're right. So to that, I say, Nice job.
