Sunday, March 3, 2013

Why Everyone Needs to Ask a Stupid Question

            I've spent a good chunk of my life in school. I can't exactly say I'm pissed about it. I like to learn. But what I don't like is our inability to ask stupid questions. Sure, sure. Teachers say, " There's no such thing as a dumb question." But there are, according to unspoken social rules that we should all supposedly follow. My theory is that everyone has a stupid question that they are just aching to get out there, but are too scared to ask. My advice to you? GET OVER IT AND JUST DO IT. 
          I've noticed that while we make snide comments once a stupid question is thrown into a discussion, we all mentally go, "Damn. Why didn't I think of that?". The reason behind this is PRIDE. Nobody wants to be or look dumb in front of others. It's a big no-no according to social laws. Everyone desperately wants to be an intellectual. We can't all be geniuses. <----- If everyone was a genius, we would all be CEO's of large companies or members of the CIA. That would be no fun. 
          If we all took the time to ask one stupid question a day, conversations would become ten times more interesting. I promise you. We would laugh more and theorize more. We would just become smarter people all around. 
           To end this blog post, I leave you with a sampling of stupid questions I've mentally compiled over the years: 
1. What would happen if trees suddenly didn't have leaves? Like, there are only branches and bark left. 
2. Were sprinkles named sprinkles before or after the act of sprinkling became a verb?
3. Why do non-compact cars park in compact car parking spots? <----- I know, I know. It's not stupid. But doesn't cease to piss me off. 
4. Can you ever use too much tooth paste? Like, to the point where your destroying your teeth instead of cleaning them?
5. Can you die from ingesting more than the medicated dosage of cough drops? The bag says one every two hours, but I've been known to take 2...or 3...or 6.... 

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